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Self Managing Your Commercial Real Estate Asset? Avoid the #1 Most Common Mistake!

Self Managing Your Commercial Real Estate Asset? Avoid the #1 Most Common Mistake!

Several months ago, I completed an evaluation of an apartment building, something I do frequently. In this case, the owner (I’ll call him “Bob”) wanted to sell the property and retire. Bob had self-managed the asset for nearly 18 years and, while the property had performed good enough financially, he was tired of dealing with the “tenants and toilets”.
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Calculating CAP Rate, NOI and Other Fun Acronyms!

Calculating CAP Rate, NOI and Other Fun Acronyms!

We sure do love our acronyms in the commercial real estate world! That’s because acronyms, and the calculations they represent, are essential tools to use when evaluating investment opportunities.

While a dedicated Broker will calculate these for you, it’s important that you have an understanding of the financial performance measurements and how they are used.
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3 Things You Must Consider When Evaluating Investment Real Estate

3 Things You Must Consider When Evaluating Investment Real Estate

Doing a good job of due diligence when purchasing investment real estate means evaluating a number of things, including property condition, geographic considerations, market factors, financial records and ratios such as CAP rate, ROI, GRM, rental history, market rental rates, retail / office tenant mix, etc. It’s easy to see why some potential investors get “analysis paralysis” – a lot of work goes into the evaluation process!
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3 Ways to Move Your Investment Equity

3 Ways to Move Your Investment Equity

When it’s time to move your equity from a real estate investment, there are typically three paths to choose from, each with its own pros and cons. It’s critical that you consider all options and consult with your tax and other advisors before deciding which path makes the most sense for you and your specific situation. However, a brief overview of the three directions will get you started on your journey.

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“Define Your New”

“Define Your New”

A new year is here and if you’re similar to the majority of the world’s population, you’ve identified some area in which you want to make a change or start a new journey towards.

Merriam Webster defines the word new as ‘having recently come into existence.’ With this definition in mind, I’d love to begin a new project and get to know how I could better assist you in achieving not only your commercial real estate goals, but your overall financial goals.
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The “Perfect” Gift

The “Perfect” Gift

The holiday season is in full swing and every year we tend to hear the same marketing language in the countless television, radio and print ads we hear or see. Each of these communications seem centered around finding that “perfect” material object for everyone on your holiday list. Over the years, my experience as a real estate agent shaped my view on finding that “perfect” gift, and oddly enough my thoughts are similar to that of the Grinch.
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Make It a Labor Of Love

Make It a Labor Of Love

Most of us know Labor Day was created to pay tribute to contributions and achievements of American workers. Since becoming a federal holiday in 1894, Labor Day has served as the unofficial end of Summer marked with parades and various celebrations around the country.
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Is It Time To Invest In Your Future?

Is It Time To Invest In Your Future?

Perhaps you have heard the expression that your future can best be determined by the last five major decisions you’ve made. Did you know that one of those major decisions involves finance and investing? Procrastination rarely produces fruitful rewards, but planning and preparation seldom result in a bare tree. Let the newness of the budding flowers and trees of Spring serve as a reminder that now is the perfect time to either start or continue investing in your future!
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